Health For Indoor Cats

Cats are like people, they need regular medical care to remain healthy. But  some people think their cats don’t need annual check- ups because the cats are strictly indoors and don’t act sick. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Cats can develop several health problems as they age. Dental disease is very common. In my experience, almost all cats …

Common Types of Splenic Cancer in Dogs

The spleen is a burgundy colored organ that filters blood. It is found in the abdominal cavity near the stomach. I often feel it when I am performing abdominal palpation.  Unfortunately, the spleen is one of the common places to find cancer in dogs. The following is a list of some of the common tumors …

Chagas Disease in Dogs

Chagas disease or American Trypanosomiasis is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. This flagellate is transmitted by insects like the Mexican kissing bug that infest bedding. They feed on people and dogs while they sleep.  When the bug defecates, the immature form of T. cruzi is released into the environment. If the dog or human has defects in their skin, the immature form …

Tips For Evaluating Pet Food

Good nutrition is vital to keeping your pet healthy. The right food can prevent many problems and diseases while the wrong food can actually cause them. With so many companies and varieties to choose from, selecting which food to purchase can be difficult. The following list are factors to consider when selecting one for your pet. …

Dog With Mast Cell Tumor Responding To Masitinib Mesylate

Last week, I wrote about a dog named Molly suffering from Mast Cell cancer. The cancer spread all over her body making surgical removal impossible. She had large tumors in her chest that made it difficult for her to breathe. The cancer spread to multiple locations on her skin including one large tumor under her right …

Masitinib Mesylate Treatment of Mast Cell Tumor in a Dog

Mast cell tumors are one of the most common tumors I see on the skin and subcutaneous tissues of dogs although they can occur anywhere. Mast cells are part of the immune system and are found all over the body. Mast cell tumors occur when the inhibitory signal is lost and a mast cell replicates …

Airport Rest Areas for Dogs

Travel with dogs can be a lot of fun.  Especially since more hotels cater to our canine companions. It used to be that finding a place to exercise a dog at an airport was a real challenge. Thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act provision for service animals, all airports must provide animal relief areas. …

Beneath The Surface: Dental Disease In Cats

Dental disease is a common problem in cats. Some cats get a build up of tartar that is easy to see. Other problems are more subtle and require dental X-rays to assess what is happening below the gums. Look at the teeth pictured below. The tooth on the right (Third premolar,  #408) is normal but the tooth …

Beach Safety Tips for Dogs

During the summer, many people take their dogs to the beach. Swimming provides a wonderful low impact form of exercise that is also a great cardiovascular workout. The cool water even provides relief for dogs with osteoarthritis. Here are my tips for keeping your dog safe at the beach: 1) Check the water – Unfortunately, there can …