Eosinophilia in cats

Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell produced in the bone marrow. They are easy to identify on a blood smear because the granules inside the cell are a beautiful red color when stained with eosin dye. Other types of white blood cells include monocytes, basophils, lymphocytes and neutrophils. Each white blood cell has a specific job to …

Pet Safety Tips for the Fourth of July

With the Fourth of July almost here, I thought it would be a good idea to remind people about pet safety. During holiday celebrations, many pets escape through doors and windows that were accidentally left open. In my experience, the Fourth of July is the worst time for pet escapes because of fireworks. The loud …

Tips for Creating a Cat Friendly Environment

Variety is the spice of life! This applies to dogs and cats as well as humans. People love to try new restaurants or go to exotic locations for vacation. Dogs walk around their neighborhood, ride in the car and sometimes, have play dates at the local dog park. What about cats? How do we give …

Carting for Dogs

Last winter, I witnessed a sport called carting. Dogs representing many different breeds, pulled carts through an obstacle course designed to test their skills. With signals from their handlers, they wove around cones and through a gate. They walked and trotted on command then finished with a group test. All the dogs were lined up, placed in a down …

Tips for Bringing a New Puppy Home

Bringing a new puppy home is wonderful. Family members shower the little one with love, wanting to spend every possible minute with the new bundle of joy. But please remember, this is a very stressful and overwhelming time for the puppy. Leaving their canine family, mother and littermates, for a new human family all on their own is a …

A New Strain of Canine Influenza Kills Dogs in the Midwest

A new strain of canine influenza has hit the Midwest sickening more than 1,000 dogs.  At first, the outbreak was attributed to Influenza A H3N8, a virus that was first observed in the United States in 2004. But further testing by researchers at the University of Wisconsin and Cornell University identified a new virus.  It is …

Provide Hiding Areas for Animals in Public Areas

In the lobby of my clinic, Arizona Skies Animal Hospital, we have two cockatiels. Mango and Della entertain the dogs, cats and people with a variety of behaviors. Mango parades back and forth whistling the tune to The Andy Griffith Show. Della climbs to the closest perch to get a studied look at the visitor. As …

Tips For Helping Cats Lose Weight

Weight gain and obesity are big problems for indoor cats. The sedentary lifestyle combined with plentiful food really packs on the pounds. Excessive weight causes a host of health problems including diabetes, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disease in cats just like it does in humans. Here are my tips for dieting overweight cats: 1) Feed canned food, …

Roxie’s Feline Weight Loss Challenge

When I purchased Arizona Skies Animal Hospital on Oct. 1, 2014, I negotiated a lovely cat as part of the deal. Roxie is a short-haired white cat with a little patch of black on her forehead. This kitty found clinic life a bit nerve-wracking. She hid behind the x-ray table during the day only coming …

Transitioning Outdoor Cats To An Indoor Life

Transitioning an outdoor cat to life in the great indoors can be challenging. The cat may try to dart out an open door or protest all night when the rest of the family wants to sleep. Remember, this is a stressful time for both the cat and their new family.  In my experience, the process of …