Why Does Tartar Seem to Accumulate Faster After a Dental Cleaning in Dogs and Cats

Why does tartar seem to accumulate after a dental cleaning in dogs and cats?  Before the cleaning, it took several years to form. After the dental, it returns in several months. The answer is age. As dogs and cats age, they experience several changes that accelerate the formation of dental calculus and disease, namely decreased …

Dental Implants for Dogs and Cats

When a dog or a cat loses a tooth, the space can be filled with a dental implant. Veterinary dentists are replacing missing teeth with implants just like human dentists do for people. For working dogs that use their mouths to apprehend suspects, retrieve prey or pick up keys for people with disabilities, dental implants …

Periodontal Disease in Dogs and Cats

Ask a veterinarian what is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats and they will immediately answer periodontal disease. According to veterinary dentist, Dr. Jan Bellows, 85% of cats and dogs 4 years and older have periodontal disease. This painful disease leads to tooth loss with time. Here is how it works: Stage1: …

When Is It Time to Euthanize a Pet?

As a veterinarian, people often come to me for counsel on when it is time to euthanize their pet. These caring people face a tough dilemma. On the one hand, they do not want to rob their pet of life. On the other hand, they do not want their pet to suffer.  It is a tough decision that …

Severe Dental Disease in a Dog

A thorough examination of the mouth should be part of every physical examination of all animals. I never know what to expect when I lift the lip or open a pet’s mouth. Recently, I lifted the upper lip of a dog and found severe dental disease. The upper incisors were infected and the gum had …

Prevention of Cataracts in Dogs with Diabetes Mellitus

One of the most devastating side effects of diabetes mellitus in dogs is blindness from cataracts. In dogs with normal sugar metabolism, glucose in the lens is metabolized by an enzyme called hexokinase into small molecules that diffuse out of the lens. When the glucose levels are high, hexokinase cannot keep up and the excess …

Unconditional Love from Pets – A Tribute to Mat the Cat

Pets love their people unconditionally. As a veterinarian, I see their unconditional love displayed in a variety of ways. Most of my patients still like me even after an uncomfortable treatment. I am amazed by how many dogs wag their tail for me after I vaccinate them. Cats often rub their faces on me and purr …

Preventing Seasonal Weight Gain in Dogs

The two most common health problems I see in dogs are dental disease and obesity. In Arizona, the hot summer weather keeps people and dogs indoors. The lack of exercise packs on the pounds.  Most dogs come into the clinic 3 to 5 pounds heavier every fall then slowly lose the extra weight over the …

Determining Kittens Age by Teeth

When I see a kitten for their first post adoption visit, the family often asks me to determine the kitten’s age. Since weight and size are dependent on nutrition, I use teeth instead. Here are the guidelines I use for determining age in kittens:  Please note that baby teeth are also called deciduous teeth. 3-4 weeks old-Deciduous incisors …