Dog Allergies – Treatment With Steroids

Steroids such as prednisone, methyl prednisolone and trimacinolone bring relief to allergic dogs by decreasing inflammation.  At higher doses, they actually suppress the immune system.  Unfortunately, they also have many unwanted side effects because they effect so many body systems.  Dogs on steroids often have increased thirst, appetite and urinations.  They may also suffer with excessive panting, vomiting, …

Dog Allergies – Additonal Tests

When working up a dog with allergies, I perform several tests to rule out other diseases before launching into a food trial, intradermal test or serum allergy test. In my experience, dogs with allergies often suffer with skin infections caused by bacteria and yeast.  Mange is a third common problem that can be misdiagnosed as allergies.  Here’s a list of the tests I …

Dog Breeds – None Are Hypoallergenic

There is a myth that some breeds of dogs are hypoallergenic.  I wish this were true, but sadly it is not.  One common view  is that dogs with continuously growing coats like poodles and bichons are less antigenic than other breeds.  Although this has some conceptual appeal, there is no scientific evidence to support it.   As a veterinarian, I see …

Dog Allergies – Intradermal Tests, Serum Allergy Tests And Food Trials

Once a dog has been diagnosed with allergies (allergic dermatitis), the next step is to determine the specific cause and remove it.  Dogs may develop allergies to a number of things, far too many to list here.  The most common causes I see are dust, corn, wheat, wool and grass, but it really depends on …

Raw Diets For Pets – The Freezing Myth

Recently, I’ve had several people ask me about raw pet diets commonly called BARF.  When I first heard about this diet, the letters stood for “bones and raw food”.  Now the marketing has changed to “biologically appropriate raw food”.  In these discussions, I have learned that many people believe freezing makes raw diets safe for their pets.  This is …

Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Happy Halloween!  Tonight emergency clinics around the country will be busy with sick animals.  Unfortunately, Halloween is not all fun and games.  Candy designed for human consumption is a big problem.  Chocolate is toxic for dogs and cats.  While cats seldom eat chocolate, dogs love it.  I treated a cocker spaniel who ate a two pound box of chocolate.  The …

Pain In Dogs – How To Know If Your Dog is Hurting?

A common question I receive is “How can I tell if my dog is painful?”  Of course, the answer is sometimes clear.  The dog holds up the paw that’s bothering them, licks the spot that hurts or scratches at an infected ear.  But what if your dog is stoic and masks their pain?  How would you know then?  …