Best Glucometer For Testing Diabetic Dogs And Cats

With more people wanting to test their pet’s blood sugar at home, I am often asked the following question: Can I use my human glucometer to measure my pet’s blood sugar level?  The answer is a definite maybe. In my experience, the most common glucometer used in veterinary practice is the Alpha Trak by Abbott.  This unit is designed specifically …

Insulin Therapy For Dogs

Insulin is classified based on duration of effect.  Regular or crystalline insulin reaches its peak effect quickly, usually around four hours after administration.  I use it in the clinic to drop glucose levels quickly in patients with uncontrolled diabetes.  It is important to monitor blood glucose levels closely while using this insulin. Once the blood glucose …

Types Of Diabetes Mellitus In Dogs And Cats

In dogs and cats, diabetes mellitus is subdivided into three different types– I, II and III.  Type I diabetes occurs most commonly in dogs.  The islet cells in these animals are destroyed and cannot produce insulin.  Treatment to control blood glucose levels in these patients require insulin injections just as do people with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  Type II …

Diets For Diabetic Dogs

There are three basic types of diets used in diabetic dogs; low carbohydrate, low-glycemic index and high insoluble fiber. In the first two diets, fat and protein are used to replace the calories normally obtained from carbohydrates.  Unfortunately, high fat content may cause pancreatitis, especially in animals that have already suffered from an episode.  The high protein diets are contraindicated …

Rebound Hyperglycemia (Somogyi Response) In Diabetic Animals

Whenever I counsel people about diabetes in animals, I always advise consulting a veterinarian before adjusting their pet’s insulin dosage.  Unfortunately, I met one client who ignored this advice.  Every day, the diligent woman checked her cat’s urine for glucose and pricked his ear to get an exact blood level.  Since the blood level was higher than she wanted and there was glucose in his urine, …

Coated With Fur: A Vet’s Life Is Published!

After a year of writing and editing, I am pleased to announce that the book is published and available for your enjoyment!  Coated With Fur:  A Vet’s Life celebrates the deep bond between humans and animals.  Set in a veterinary practice, the book chronicles my triumphs and trials as a young woman owning her first animal hospital.  …

Neonatal Isoerythrolysis And Cat Blood Types

Cat blood is broken down into three different blood types; A, B and AB.  Problems occur when an A type tom is bred to a B type queen.  All of the kittens will be type A because A is the dominant gene and B is the recessive.  When they nurse, the kittens receive antibodies from the queen through the colostrum.  The …

Dogs Have Eight Blood Types – Does Neonatal Isoerythrolysis Occur In Dogs?

Based on the blood typing system used in the United States, dogs are divided into eight different blood types depending upon the antigens present on their red blood cells.  Dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA) 1.1 is the most important to me in clinical practice because it is the most antigenic.  Repeated exposure of a DEA 1.1 …

Advice For High School Students Who Want To Be Veterinarians

Each year thousands of hopeful students apply to veterinary college with the dream of becoming a veterinarian.  With hard work, persistence and careful planning, you can be one of them.  The following is a list of tips to help you achieve your dream.  Grades:  Work hard to get the best grades you can in high school.  …