Histiocytic Sarcoma in Bernese Mountain Dogs, Retrievers and Rottweilers

Hstiocytic sarcoma (HS) is a malignant disease found most often in Bernese Mountain dogs, retrievers and rottweilers. Males are more commonly affected than females and it can occur at any age. It is also called Histiocytic sarcoma complex, malignant histiocytosis and disseminated histocytic sarcoma. There are two forms of the disease, localized or disseminated. The …

Macadamia Nuts are Toxic to Dogs

As a veterinarian, I caution people about giving human food to dogs. That’s because dogs and people metabolize food differently. Macadamia nuts, raisins, grapes and sugar-free gums are some of the human foods that are toxic dogs. Although the exact mechanism for the toxicity is not known, it is thought to be from a serotonin …

Serotonin Syndrome in Dogs and Cats

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in the central nervous system (CNS) which includes the brain and spinal cord.  It is also in the peripheral nervous system which is basically, the rest of the body. It is synthetized from an amino acid called tryptophan. According to Dr. Sharon Gwaitney-Brant, this important neurotransmitter is involved “. . . in the …

Zika Virus in Dogs and Cats

Zika virus was first discovered in Africa back in the 1940’s in a monkey with a mild fever. Since then, the disease has spread all over the world. In humans, the virus causes a birth defect called microcephaly which means ‘small brain’. In animals, the virus has  been found primarily  in non-human primates. Most exposed monkeys and apes show …

Heat Exhaustion in Dogs and Cats

Heat exhaustion is a life-threatening condition that occurs in animals of all kinds. It is also called heat stress, heat stroke and hyperpyrexia. In the clinic, I see it most often in dogs. When dogs and cats are not able to dissipate heat, their body temperature soars well above the normal range of 100 to 102.5 degrees …

You Make The Diagnosis: Dental Fracture In Dogs

Pictured below is the right side of a dog’s mouth. During her annual exam, I noticed an abnormality on her upper fourth premolar called a slab fracture. Part of the enamel had fractured away from the rest of the tooth exposing the pulp cavity. The gingival tissue is still attached which holds it in place. With …

Leptospirosis in Dogs

Leptospirosis is a serious disease that affects dogs, cats, horses, swine, sheep, goats, deer, marine mammals and humans. The disease starts when leptospires, the immature form of the bacteria, enter the body and make their way into the bloodstream. They stick to the endothelial cells within the blood vessels causing severe vasculitis (inflammation). As the …

You Make The Diagnosis: Thickened Black Skin in Dogs

The pictures below are of the abdominal skin of a dog. The skin is black in color and thickened like an elephant’s skin. Although this dog developed it on the abdomen, it can also commonly occur around the anus, underarms and muzzle. Look closely at the pictures and then answer the following questions: What is …

Chocolate Toxicity In Pets

Chocolate is one of the most common toxicities I see, especially around Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Pets climb counters to get to candy dishes and desserts. They also rip open boxes of chocolates wrapped as gifts. One of my patients, a cocker spaniel, ate a 5 pound box of dark chocolate that was left under the …