With all the wonderful suggestions to choose from, my husband and I had a thoroughly difficult time choosing a winner. After much thought and deliberation, we chose the name Keanu. It is the Hawaiian word for breeze. This fits him perfectly as he ‘breezes’ from one room to another. Congratulations to VT for the suggestion! She will receive an autographed copy of my book when it comes out next year.
I deeply wish to thank everyone who submitted a name for the little black kitten. I was amazed by the energy and deliberation so many of you put into the project! Your comments and questions are what make this blog fun and hopefully, useful. I especially enjoy the friendships I have made with animal lovers all over the world. So again, I want to thank everyone who submitted a name for your thoughtful ideas. I would also like to encourage other blog readers to leave comments so I can get to know you as well.
Dr. Kris Nelson