Today our nation rightfully celebrates the passage twenty years ago of the Americans With Disabilities Act. When signing it into law, President H.W. Bush ushered in a new perspective on how we treat people. This anniversary led me to reflect on the magnificent animals who touch and have touched, my life. Some had disabilities . . . but each gave me more love back than I could offer them. So today I honor Radar, the cat pictured below, who was born without eyes. He was an extraordinary cat and you will learn his story in upcoming books. I also celebrate Geneveive. She had but three legs, yet also had more spunk and personality than most cats. She is celebrated in Coated With Fur: A Vet’s Life and will reappear in books to come. In short, I thank all the disabled animals who enrich my life.
Collectively, let us also thank the animals who assist people who have disabilities. These amazing service animals do so much to enable so many people. They also make me smile when I see them at the airport, store and around town. Happy Anniversary Americans With Disabilities Act!